Equality & Diversity Policy


Gibsons Joiners and Builders recognises that it is essential to provide equal opportunities to all persons without discrimination. This policy sets out the Company’s position on equal opportunity in all aspects of employment, including recruitment and promotion, and provides guidance and encouragement to employees at all levels to act fairly and prevent discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, marital status, disability as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, part-time and fixed term contract status, age sexual orientation or religion.

Gibsons Joiners and Builders aims to create and sustain an inclusive work environment which provides equality of opportunity for everyone.

What is equal opportunity and diversity?

Equal Opportunity is about complying with our legal obligations to provide equal access to opportunities and services for everyone. It is also about removing any barriers or discriminatory practices that may affect particular groups.

Diversity is about recognising that everyone is different in some way and through respecting those differences ensuring they are valued and accepted.

The Law relating to Equal Opportunities

The main legislative structure in today’s equal opportunities law is as follows:-

• Equal Pay Act 1970 (as amended)
• Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (as amended)
• Race Relations Act 1976 (as amended)
• Race Relations Regulations 2002 (as amended)
• Statutory Code of Practice on Racial Equality in Employment 2006
• Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended)
• Employment Equality (Age) Relations 2006
• Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2002
• Employment Equality (Religion and Belief) Regulations 2002

Responsibility for Equal Opportunities and Diversity

The Company is an equal opportunities employer.  Equal Opportunities is about good employment practices and the efficient use of its most valuable asset – our employees.  Every Manager and Employee has personal responsibility for the implementation of the policy.  Everyone must ensure their own behaviour does not cause concern to others.  Any instance of doubt about the application of this policy, or other questions, should be addressed to the Office Manager as should any requests for special training.

Equal Opportunities Policy Statement

The Company will not discriminate on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, marital status, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, disability, religion or other grounds of discrimination prohibited by legislation. The policy applies to the advertisement of jobs, recruitment and appointment to them, training, conditions of work, pay and to every other aspect of employment.

The policy also applies equally to the treatment of our customers, clients and suppliers. Staff involved in recruitment in particular should request training if they have any doubt about the application of this policy. Employees should note that the imposition of a condition or requirement which has an adverse impact on someone who, because of his or her sex, race, religious beliefs, marital status, sexual orientation or disability, is likely to be affected by it, will also be unlawful unless it can be justified on the grounds of business need. In all situations, the Office Manager should be consulted.

Employees who are disabled or become disabled during the course of their employment should inform the Office Manager and may also wish to advise the Company of any “reasonable adjustments” required to their working environment or employment which they consider necessary or which they consider would assist them in the performance of their duties. We can also use this opportunity to consider what reasonable adjustments would need to be made in accordance with our legal obligations. Careful consideration will be given to any proposals of this nature and, where reasonable and reasonably practicable such adjustments will be made.

Any member of staff may use the Grievance procedure to complain about discriminatory conduct. If the matter relates to sexual or racial harassment or harassment on the basis of disability or any of the above reasons, then the grievance should be raised directly with the Office Manager. The Company is concerned to ensure that employees feel able to raise such grievances and no individual will be penalised or suffer any detriment for raising such a grievance unless it is untrue and made in bad faith.

Any employee who harasses any other employee on the grounds of sex, race or disability or any other unlawful discrimination intentional or not will be subject to the Company’s Disciplinary Procedures. Such behaviour is deemed to constitute Gross Misconduct and as such, may result in summary dismissal in the absence of mitigating circumstances, without notice or payment in lieu of notice.

Monitoring and Review

The Company will establish appropriate information and monitoring systems to assist the effective implementation of our equal opportunities policy.

The effectiveness of our equality and diversity policy will be reviewed at a regular basis, at least annually, and action taken as necessary.

Furthermore, the company will monitor the composition of the workforce and introduce positive action if it appears that this policy is not fully effective.